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What to expect from a session with me!


I thought it may be a good idea to chat a little bit about what to expect when you book an appointment with someone like myself who talks to Spirit.


Because I do a lot of different things, I want to quickly go over what may happen when you book a session with me.


I do chat with deceased loved ones on the other side, but that is not my principal gift.

My first and foremost intention is to offer comfort, healing, guidance, and a sense of well-being to those who come to me to hear from the Spirit world.


How that may occur is probably going to be different for everyone.


I do my best to offer you the best experience possible.


If you desire communication with loved ones on the other side, please come with joyful expectation. Those who come skeptical or looking to be entertained may not have the best experience.


If you come looking for me to tell you the answer to trick questions to prove I am legitimate, you will most likely be disappointed. I can only communicate information that your loved ones are able to transmit to me. The experience is a joint collaboration between you, me and your loved ones. I don’t do well with trick questions, but I strive to offer you verifiable evidence that I do indeed have your loved ones. It may not be the exact information you were hoping for, but I hope you will be convinced that your loved one is indeed communicating with you.


I also chat with Angels, Spirit Guides, deceased pets, and your soul. Sometimes I even receive messages from the souls of those who are still alive, although it is less frequent. My goal is to offer you guidance, comfort, answers to questions, perspective, or to steer you in the direction of your highest good.


I am really good at shifting patterns, stuck emotions, limited beliefs, ancestral patterns, and past life karma that may be stuck in your energy field. I do this by psychically going into your energy field and looking around, feeling where emotions or patterns are stuck and moving them out. I can only do this with the agreement of your soul.  I will most likely communicate what I am seeing or feeling, for healing is a co-creative process.


I use tarot cards and other divinatory tools for answers to specific questions.


I stress that timing is not always accurate due to free will and shifting timelines. I cannot tell you the exact date when your lover will return because our lives are always shifting based on a variety of factors. It is best to align with your highest good and heal whatever created the experience in the first place rather than to need an exact date when something is going to occur. When we are tied to dates on a calendar, it is harder for us to align with our highest good.


I use numerology to give you information about your life purpose, your reason for being here, your strengths, weaknesses, and even best possible career choices! Numerology can give you a great deal of information about general timelines and themes, even if specific dates may be elusive.

If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to me at Hopefully I can answer any other questions not covered here.

I do believe that what we experience in life is often, but not always, a result of the thoughts we think about most and the emotions we feel most often. Until recently, I never had to enforce a cancellation policy because it was a rare occurrence for anyone not to show up for their appointments. I believe that I am a magnet to the clients who are ready for what I have to offer.

Before you make an appointment, remember that I spend a good bit of time before I see clients for the day raising my frequency and merging with Spirit in order to offer you the guidance, healing, or communication that will enhance your sense of well-being, comfort or connection to your highest good. When you are late, cancel at the last minute, or don't show up, this affects my ability to show up for you. It is hard for me to keep my vibration high when I feel my time is not being valued or respected. I understand that emergencies or unexpected events happen, but the recent surge of late or no-show clients has forced me to begin to enforce my 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel in less than 24 hours, I do not offer a refund, except at my own discretion. After three late or cancelled appointments, I may decide that we are not a good fit for each other and recommend you find another spiritual communicator that may be a better fit for you. 

If you are more than fifteen minutes late, I consider this to be a no-show and will move on with my day. If you are going to be late, please reach out to me. If I am with another client, I may not pick up, and cannot guarantee I can accommodate you.

I wish these last points were not necessary to post. It pains me to need to even have a no-refund policy, however, it seems to have become recently necessary.

Hopefully we can co-create a healing and joyful experience together!

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