Certain indigenous people claim that some of their medicine men have the ability to shift out of their bodies and take other forms, not just in altered states of consciousness, but physically. Although this aspect of shapeshifting fascinates me, this is not necessarily the subject of today's chat.

In my years of going back and forth between the world of the living and the world of Spirit, I often find myself in the presence of those who don't necessarily inhabit a living body. Some of them are highly evolved Beings who have wisdom above my own, some are those who used to inhabit a body but no longer do, and some are even animals, plants, and those who seem to exist in other places and times.
Each of these categories of conscious awareness seem to exist simultaneously in various planes of existence. But they all have one thing in common. They all seem to have some sort of "form." They could be in the form of a deceased loved one, a beloved pet, an Angel, a Benevolent Presence, or the consciousness even of a human, plant or animal that is living and breathing but maybe not in my presence.
But there is something that holds it all together. Something that does not have form.
In many belief systems, this formless energy has been described as God, Goddess, the I Am, Source Energy, the Divine, and many other names.
Many times in our spiritual practice, we attempt to go "higher" in our awareness in order to connect with this Source Energy. It seems to be in a place that is "up" in direction. Above the universe as we know it, above the place of the dead, above the place of the Angels and Guides and Benevolent Helpers, above the laws of the Universe. But even our attempts to go higher is an attempt to attach this Formless Energy to a "place."
Sometimes we feel we have reached this place and sometimes there seems to be a membrane that separates us.
Religions have often made us feel that we are unworthy to enter this presence or that we need to enter it with our eyes or bodies face down in reverence.
Recently I was going "up" in my meditation and seemed to be having a little trouble. Immediately my Guides (or the Divine Wisdom that speaks to me) seemed to show up and let me know that the place of the Divine Presence was not a place, and that the sense that it was somewhere far away and above me was a bit flawed.
It is easy to imagine that this Earth where we live is a bit "lower" than the place where the Divine Presence resides. Imagining that our awareness is going "up" is an exercise in raising our vibration to a frequency where we are energetically compatible with that Presence. I have meditated for years and usually have found success in imagining that my awareness was going "up" to a higher frequency.
But the Presence that was speaking to me had some wisdom to share that altered that conception just a bit.
This is what They said.
"You are seeking access to an audience with the Divine Presence. You are carrying your awareness "up" as if you needed to travel to a specific "place" far away, above where you are physically. But the Divine Presence is the formless Energy that creates the planes of existence where form exists. The Formless is all around you, embodied in the form you have created and the form that exists everywhere. It is everywhere and nowhere. It is a limiting belief that in order to access the Presence of the Divine, which has no form, you need to travel to a place that has form, that exists in a certain place. The Formless cannot be contained in a location. It is in every molecule of your body, in your DNA, in every droplet of water and in every air bubble and every grain of sand, in every realm of possibility, in all time, space, and dimensions. All you really need to do is shift and intend to be in the Presence and you are immediately there."
"It is in the Presence where the Formless takes form. It is here where your intentions and your desires are birthed into form."
So many times we think we need to seek audience with the Divine Presence. However the Divine Presence is no further away than your thoughts.
It is in the Divine Presence where we can "shapeshift" our lives into a more beneficial and empowered existence.
Do you want better health? More positive and heart connected relationships? A career that meets your needs financially and also fulfills your heart's desires? It is in the Presence where those experiences can be birthed.
Just close your eyes and imagine you are in the Presence of the Divine Creator of all that is form.
We often have a limited viewpoint of what is okay to ask for and what isn't. We believe we are victims, or we are doomed to suffer, or it is impossible to gain an audience with the Divine. Or the big one. That we are not worthy.
Shapeshifting our less than empowered lives into a life of joy and happy adventures is possible!
If we are in fact the Formless that has taken form, we can decide to shift. Now, I am not saying we can decide, "okay I decide I want to be a palm tree in Florida." Maybe we can and maybe we can't. At some point in the evolution of our souls we made certain agreements and in this particular body and this particular incarnation we are living out those agreements.
But I venture to say if we decide to stand or sit for a few moments in the presence of the Divine that our lives will change. We will be able to shapeshift into our best and most authentic selves. That our lives will change for the better.
And isn't that the point?
I would love to connect with you! I have a variety of free gatherings, both by Zoom and in Winchester Virginia where I call home. I also do private sessions to assist you in navigating life, assist you in healing wounds of the soul, connect to deceased loved ones or pets, and offer guidance on a variety of subjects.
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Thanks for reading to the end!!
I appreciate you and thank you for being a part of my work!