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Self Healing Is Possible!

Our journey through life is fraught with disappointments, disillusionments, and regrets. If we are strong we face them head on, work through them, and overcome them. But only the ones we recognize.

We may become aware that we have a tendency to attract love interests who are emotionally unavailable, or perhaps, worse, violent or abusive. We may free ourselves from one relationship, begin a new one with someone who we view to be completely whole and well adjusted, only to find the same tendencies begin to reveal themselves over the course of the relationship.

We may experience similar situations with career moves, spiritual quests, or a number of other life experiences with varied repetitive patterns. We may or may not even recognize a pattern.

We may look back to a particular time in our life when our world was turned upside down and suddenly realize that, "after that my life was never the same."

Therapy may help. Obviously, as a Shamanic practitioner and "energy healer," I am forbidden by law from advising clients to cease professional help, medical diagnosis or treatment, or even prescribed medication. I would never do this anyway.

But can we heal ourselves? Can we bypass years of therapy, countless medications that "take the edge off," or other prescribed paths to wholeness?

It is my view that my work is not in competition with the medical profession, but rather, a compliment to whatever healing modality you have chosen or has been chosen for you. If we can allieviate imbalance through what many call "woo woo" or "unproven" or "unorthodox" methods, then I think we can agree that we are on the same team!

These days, many out of the ordinary healing modalities have come into main stream and have even gained public attention through documentaries and the easy access to information through social media, Google searches, and even celebrity influences. If normal medical procedures or therapy has had limited success, it is possible to find the missing pieces through out of the ordinary healing techniques. And yes, much of it can be done at home in the privacy of your own living space.

I will admit that I am not an advocate for every fringe healing method proclaiming miraculous results.

I would reiterate what I tell my clients and I have emphasized over and over in my books and blogs.

Healing is different for everyone. What works for one person will be completely ineffective for someone else. This is because healing is a multi-facited undertaking that rarely happens overnight or in one moment of clarity or breakthrough. Here is a story about a message I received from Spirit on why our healing normally does not happen immediately.

But what about self healing?

Not everyone can afford a session with me or any other alternative healer. I do offer discounts on occasion, but I also believe in the equal exchange of energy, and have found, in my own personal work with my clients, that what is free or discounted tends to be limited in its beneficial effects. There is a universal law of reciprocity and energy exchange. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" and "energy is not created or destroyed. It only changes form." And the Bible says "whatever you sow, that shall you also reap."

However, as a healer, I would like everyone to have access to a method in which they can facilitate their own healing. If you have ever taken a journey into a bookstore or searched online in the "self help" section, you will agree that there are countless methods to self healing, and I am not here to proclaim that I have the answer or that my method is in any way superior to any other method.

I could write an entire book on various self healing exercises, meditations, rituals, and the like. Today I am not going to share every one of my methods with you or even begin to advocate one healing method over another. If you have not exercised your intuitive capabilities, it is doubtful you will immediately be a pro at diagnosing the heart of the matter anyway.

Today, however, I am going to offer you a simple formula for aligning yourself with your highest good.

Let me warn you, however, that your highest good may not be what you think!

If the highest good of an addict is to be free from the source of their addiction, the process is hardly ever immediate or pain free. Our highest good is often the thing we run from the most! If I like chocolate or sweet tea and yet I am a diabetic, I probably don't want to give up sugar, even though it is my highest good.

I have found a better course of action is to work toward removing the obstacles to my highest good.

Wouldn't it be awesome if, as a diabetic, I am suddenly not drawn to sugar?

So, just for today, identify one issue you would like to work on in your life.

Proclaim, "I remove any obstacles to achieving my highest good in the area of ...." (fill in the blank.)

To bring this proclamation into your physical day to day experience, do something physical with your body. This could be walking, dancing, or even just drawing a circle counterclockwise with your finger. (counter clockwise is the direction or letting go, releasing, or removing.) You may have some representation of what you are desiring to remove, such as a piece of candy, a photograph of a disfunctional person you are in relationship with, or some depiction of an unhealthy or non beneficial aspect of your life.

With love, release that representation of the aspect of life that is non beneficial. You could do this by throwing it away, burning it, burying it in the ground, or some other symbolic ritual related to releasing what is holding you back from experiencing your highest good.

Now breathe. Fill your lungs up with air and imagine your soul filling up your body and energy field with light.

When you breathe out, breathe out the energy of Divine Love and Light.

It is important to remember that if our goal is healing, whether it is emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical, before we can improve we must remove the blocks to being open to that healing. This little exercise assists in removing those blocks.

Many times we hold on to a limitation because it is serving us in some way. Perhaps being sick is providing some experience of being cared for or an excuse not to face a larger issue. Perhaps you have judged someone in a similar circumstance and you are simply reaping the consequences of that judgement. Perhaps the experience didn't start with you, but is an inherited tendency which needs to be identified and cleared.

As you can see, healing can be achieved on our own without any assistance, but it is not going to happen overnight.

I would also suggest that many times we are blind to our own issues.

We may succeed in healing one aspect of our lives and then something else pops up. We may be playing an endless game of wack-a-mole, where we conquer one challenge, only to have a completely different issue suddenly come out of nowhere.

So how do we identify which issue to face first?

This is when I advise to connect with your spiritual practice. If you don't have one, then identify what issue is most pressing or most causing you grief or a lack of well being. There is no sense in washing the windows in your car if your motor has blown up.

If you feel led to a particular healing modality, then by all means do some research and perhaps give it a try. It may be just a stepping stone to something entirely different, or it may be the modality that works for you.

Healing is a process. if you feel led to schedule a session with me, feel free to contact me and schedule a session. You can also give a gift to a friend.

We heal the world by healing ourselves first. As we heal, we benefit our children and the world around us. If we feel happy and free, those around us will notice and respond accordingly.

Just for today, identify one issue in your life you would like to be free from. Simply say, "I am willing to work on this issue." The first step is indentifying it! Then, come up with a plan of action for eliminating it from your experience. If I can be of assistance, contact me.

Here are a few guidelines for engaging in a self-healing regimen:

  • Be kind to yourself! Don't judge yourself when you mess up! Just get up and move forward.

  • Choose one issue at a time! You wouldn't have open heart surgery and knee surgery at the same time!

  • Create a plan of action. Take one step every day that leads you to a more authentic life.

  • Engage in your spiritual practice regularly. Whether that is meditation, prayer, walks in nature, or some other form of spiritual practice, only by engaging in it regularly will you notice positive results.

  • Move your body! Our bodies are the physical expression of our souls. Only by bringing your intentions, thoughts, and prayers into physical expression can we really benefit from our practice.

Remember that the highest expression of your soul, sometimes called your Highest Self, has chosen this journey through life, full of the ups and downs, highs and lows, achievements and challenges, and every other experience in between. It is important to acknowledge your Highest Self and thank yourself for the gift of life. Take back control of your life experience from any sense of victimhood or powerlessness you feel.

As we navigate our journey through life, let us do so with anticipation of a better future. Let us set aside our disappointments and grievances with others and together let us create a more loving and peaceful experience of life on planet Earth.


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