Moving Beyond Boundaries

This month we as a collective have really been called to look beyond the life we have been living and create life in a different way. Although the landscape has been challenging, we are being called to a new version of living a life of authenticity and awareness. We cannot pretend that the world we have created is not flawed. We cannot wish or pretend or visualize blue skies while knowing that there are cracks in the landscape of our existence. We can work individually and collectively to change the way we live our lives and the way we relate to one another.
This is not a time to complain about how much toilet paper is available or whether social distancing guidelines are being observed. My stepson, who works in local law enforcement, recently shared that the majority of the recent calls have been neighbors complaining about neighbors who are not observing the guidelines! This is not a time for temper tantrums!
It is also not time to argue whether we should open up businesses again, or beaches, or public gatherings. We are being forced to choose between life and money. This is a hard choice, as we cannot live without money, but we can't use money if we are dead!
For me, over the past year or so, Spirit had been encouraging me to work on my social media presence. Get more familiar with video platforms, such as YouTube, Zoom, Google Meet (which I was completely ignorant of until recently). I was blessed to have gained a fair amount of new phone clients for my work as an energy healer and psychic medium, but I had enjoyed hosting gatherings in my home, which I have had to eliminate. Due to necessity, and at the urging of Spirit, I now have a YouTube presence (just type in Joy Andreasen or click on this link), I am hosting a weekly video gathering by Google Meet to meditate and communicate any messages from Spirit that may come through, or perhaps as a group send healing out into the world.
This is a time to look beyond your comfort zone. Don't worry so much about why this happened and instead look at what you can do with the current situation. Some things are out of our control. We can't control why the virus is here, whether or not the economy will recover, when the beaches are going to reopen, even when the toilet paper will once again grace our stores.
What can you control?
You can control how you are behaving and treating yourself and others. Are you looking for ways to help? Are you staying home as much as possible or practicing social distancing? Are you using your time wisely? Are you only buying what you need when you need it or are you hoarding or going to Walmart just to pass the time?
It is time for all of us to look at our lives in a different way. See what and how we can live more authentically and in connection with the highest good for all. We are all one.
It is time to stop pointing the finger and assessing blame. We are all living our lives according to our own perspective. Life is changing and we are all being forced to shift the way we live our lives. This is new territory. We will emerge different and changed. Some of us will see life differently and some of us will try to go back to the old normal. It is time for us to live our lives in a new and different way that is more in line with the higher good of the planet and not just what is good for us in the moment.

Remember we are all one.
Feel free to contact me for a reading or soul healing, using my skills as a psychic medium, Shamanic Energy Healer, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Intuitive. Yes I can do these things over the phone or by Google Meet, Facebook Messenger, or Skype.
If you are interested in joining in the group meditation tonight (April 23, 2020) at 6:30 pm Eastern time, you can access via this link.
If you are using an Apple product, like an Iphone, I pad, Mac computer, you may have to download a Chrome browser to have a good experience. Apparently there is something in Apple products that blocks the sound.
Let us all remember that we are in this together! Be present. Be willing to change the way you live your life. Be kind. Let us get through this as a team. The team of humanity.