Fortune Teller Myths Dispelled

I've never liked being called a "fortune teller." Sometimes I even wince at "psychic," due to the images that sometimes get conjured up in people's minds when they hear one of these terms.
Those of us who have the ability to tune in to the non physical world and sense what is going on outside the realm of the five senses have, for centuries, gotten a bad rap in much of society. Admittedly, out-of-the-main-stream society holds their diviners in high regard, consulting them before making big decisions, and even in the Old Testament, the kings were known to consult their prophets, just a psychic with a different name.
Let's just address and dispell a few myths about psychics, fortune tellers, or whatever you want to call them (me.)
Myth #1:
Fortune tellers are consulting with the devil and that is how they get their information.
I was brought up Pentecostal, so I am well aware of the teachings that forbid consulting diviners. Admittedly, I was born in the sixties, so it was also a sin to wear pants (unless you were a man), watch television, go to movies, go to the fair, dance, listen to rock and roll music, and many other things I cannot list here. I am not sure, but it seems that Jesus must have changed his mind on what was sin and what was not at some point. I remember as a twenty-something with a difficult marriage and mounting financial problems, it was also a sin not to give ten percent of my income to the church, and was compared by my pastor at the time with having an affair on my husband.
So, just to put things in perspective here.
I do not consort with the devil. At this point I am not sure there is an actual "devil", although I do sometimes run in to non-beneficial intelligent energy. I would argue that if I am assisting my clients in aligning with their highest good, and presenting them with information that can have the result of a positive shift in their life, I would not think the devil, if he exists, would be all that happy about what I do.
I am also okay with Jesus and He is okay with me. We chat frequently. He seems to be my most talkative Guide. This was not always the case. You can check out my story HERE.
Myth #2
All psychics are doing is hoodwinking people out of their money. They are all charlatans.
I can't speak for all psychics. I have heard horror stories, more than I would like to admit, that another psychic told someone that they had a curse on them, but if they paid this person so much money, they could remove it. I am not one of those psychics.
I do believe in curses.
I do believe for the most part they can be removed.
I charge a flat fee per hour. If removing a curse is needed, you pay the same for that as you would pay to ask me if Mr. Right is in your future (my number one question).
I would not know how to hoodwink someone if there was an instruction manual. (there is not, as far as I know.)
One of the sometimes annoying qualities I have, (ask my husband) is the inability to lie. I can keep a secret unless asked directly, then, the truth will come out. If I receive a difficult message, I will word it in such a way so that it is life to you. I always give alternatives. The future is not set in stone.
I never tell people they must come back to me on a regular basis, although, if they feel a need, I will not turn them down. I will not charge outlandish fees for what I do.
Myth #3:
If I consult a psychic, I will attract to myself demons or troubling spirits.
This one is just laughable but I include it here because I have been asked that question.
No, silly, I am not sending you home with a demon. I may, however, send you home without one.
Myth #4
Consulting a psychic is giving away my power to another person.
I do understand this argument. You are in charge of your own life. If you ask me a question, I am going to consult the cards, or ask your Soul or your Guides for wisdom, but, ultimately, your life and your decisions are your own.
I do believe in street signs and GPS. Before GPS I got lost on a regular basis. I look at consulting a psychic like myself as intelligent as turning on your GPS before embarking on a journey. I am not going to tell you what to do anymore than your GPS is going to scream at you if you decide to ignore her directions (although sometimes I can hear the annoyance in her voice when she says.. "make a U-turn")
Case in point. I have a semi-regular client who consulted me about a potential love interest. I suggested he keep it light and don't fall into anything too serious. Of course he didn't listen. He fell hard. He is still recovering from a broken heart. The decision to fall in love was his own. He fell hard despite my warnings to the contrary.
Another client consulted me about finding a job. I told her one would come to her in a certain time period. She was offered a job that she subsequently turned down. Then it took her a considerable amount of time longer to find a replacement job. The decision to turn a job offer down was hers.
Spirit never tells you what to do. You are in charge of your life. Spirit will give you advice and suggestions. You get to decide to follow the advice or not.
And for the final myth of the day:
Myth #5
Yes, but I consulted a psychic and what she/he told me did not happen.
Psychics are human. We sometimes get it wrong. We may misinterpret the message we are receiving.
Fortune tellers, psychics, or whatever the most recent word someone comes up with to describe the gift of delivering messages from the world of Spirit, we can only deliver messages through the human vessel. Sometimes we may have a weak link to the person we are connecting with. Sometimes the client has a unconscious block, sometimes we may just be having a bad day. Sometimes we receive a message for someone you know or are thinking about. Sometimes the Guides tell you something you aren't ready to hear. Sometimes you make a decision that alters your life trajectory in such a way that the probable future we saw did not happen.
Then there is the possibility that what you were told just hasn't happened YET. Who's to say it won't happen sometime in the future? Timing is one of those things Spirit is notoriously bad at, because, outside of the Earth plane, time does not exist. Time speeds up and slows down sometimes! I can't really explain it, but, haven't you had the experience of looking at the clock, thinking it was surely midnight, only to see it was only 6pm?
Your life is not set in stone.
You are the author of your book. You get to decide who the main characters are, how they interact, what decisions they make, what adventures they take or do not take, what jobs they accept or turn down, etc.
But sometimes you need someone to give you some hope, some direction, some guidance. Sometimes you need an objective person to discern some obstacles in the way of you achieving your highest good. Sometimes you need someone to point out that bus that is speeding toward you at full speed so you can get over into the other lane and avoid a collision. Sometimes you need someone to help you pick up the pieces after you have already collided with that bus.
I am not saying that person has to be me.
I encourage you to find the fortune teller, healer, psychic, medium, spiritual intuitive or diviner that you feel drawn to. If you do feel drawn to have a session with me, you can contact me HERE.
If you are interested in hearing more about the world of Spirit, my most recent book is available HERE.
It is time to dispell the myths and superstitions that have plagued healers and diviners for centuries. It is time to honor those who use their gifts to assist others in navigating their lives. Don't badmouth those who are misusing their gifts or are not skilled at what they do. Just don't go back and don't recommend them. Everyone is doing the best they can.
Together we can create a world where we all can use the gifts we have to benefit mankind and the planet we live on, and our fellow non human inhabitants. We can all cohabit the Earth peacefully and with mutual benefit to all. Let's start today.