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Dark Night of the Soul

We all have them.

Something happens that knocks us off our center.

Normally what happens is this.

We are going about our life, completely oblivious.

Life is going well, for the most part.

Or at least normal.

It may come suddenly, like a tsunami. Or it may creep in little by little. Maybe not a tsunami. Maybe a couple droplets of rain that steadily and sneakily begin to trickle into our soul. Before we know it, we are neck deep and we realize we are drowning in the emotions of an illusion becoming real. Life as we know it is not what we thought it was.

It could come from a devastating loss. Or a lie revealed.

Before we know it, we struggle to see the light we once took for granted.

As a psychic medium and Shamanic soul healer, most of my clients come to me when they are struggling with something. Yes, there are those who are just curious, or who want to know their future, or if they will win a million dollars or fall in love. There is the occasional mother who is worried about one of their children.

Most of the time people are grieving a loss of some kind, or struggling in some area of their life.

How do I help?

My gift of speaking with the dead often comes online. I often connect with loved ones on the other side, or give messages of hope from their Guides and Angels. Many times I am able to discern trapped emotions or limiting beliefs that hold many back from living empowered lives. Sometimes I remove blocks or intrusions in the energy field which most people do not know are there.

Dark nights of the soul come to us as a gift.

They often precede an awakening of some kind.

Of course the choice is ours. We can choose to remain in the darkness of grief, loss, disillusionment, abandonment, or dispair. Sometimes we are in the darkness of the night for quite some time.

Awakenings are like that. They appear out of nowhere, unannounced, most of the times unrequested, and upset the world we once knew. Looking back is not an option. We are faced with a new reality, one we did not ask for or necessarily want.

They are not easy or fun.

But on the other side is joy. After the pain of the loss has been grieved. After the darkest of the night has begun to dissipate. The first slivers of light appear.

The inner knowing that there is more to this life than what we were aware.

Over time, we begin to forge a new awareness, a new illumination, often a new version of ourselves, much like a butterfly who has just emerged from its coccoon.

We may not be comfortable at first with our wings.

Over time, our understanding of the reality we live in changes.

We may go through many awakenings in our lifetime, or we may go through one. Or none.

There is no rule book on awakenings.

If life has shifted for you in some significant way, you can choose to allow those shifts to be a gift or a curse.

You can wallow in the grief or loss of what once was, or you can begin to recreate your version of reality.

It is all about what you choose to do with the cards you are dealt.

Dark nights of the soul do not go away overnight.

It takes time to assess the damage. To pick up the pieces. To begin to piece together what is salvagable and release the rest.

To find the gift.

If you need help navigating a life-changing experience, you may enjoy my story.

If you would like to book a session, you can book it here.

Don't try to navigate a dark night alone.

Reach out. Someone else has been there.


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