Your energy field is not just the physical body you can see and feel. You are made up of your thoughts, your emotions, what you have experienced in this lifetime and outside of this lifetime, your connection to the eternal Spirit of All, and how you express all of that into the world in which you live. The concept of chakras, or energy centers running in and through your energy field, originated in India and is an ancient understanding of how your energy flows in and through your body. In this video and accompanying handout, you will become familiar with the various aspects of your subtle energy body and learn how to become aware of blocks or resistance in your own energy body and that of others. You will learn how each of your subtle energy centers interact with one another, and what each chakra, or energy center, focuses on. You will also be introduced to the idea and understanding of some additional energy centers that are not as understood or talked about. Even if you are familiar with your energy field and what chakras are and where they are located in and around your body, you may be introduced to information you had not thought of!
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