6 min read
All About Career and Money
Last week in my blog about love, I mentioned that love was one of two hot topics when people reach out to me for readings. What is the...

4 min read
Finding True Love
Questions about love are in the top two of things people want to know about when setting up a reading with me. "Am I ever going to find...

4 min read
Healing Ancestral Patterns
Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all offspring of our ancestors. Those who came before us, with all their strengths and...

3 min read
September: A Time to Rethink Your Purpose
After the intense energy of August, many of us are hoping for a bit of rest and renewal in September. This may or may not play out in our...

3 min read
Finding Our Purpose in Life
Do you know in your soul what your purpose in life is? It may not be what you think!

4 min read
What is Channeling?
My heart began to race. Panic gripped my soul. The stench of burning flesh, the sensation of heat scorching my face, my breath labored...

2 min read
Themes for July 2021
July is upon us! Every month offers us a new opportunity to experience a different theme, a different energy expression, and to manifest...

3 min read
I Don't Normally Chat About Astrology, but...
.....today the moon is full, it is a super moon, and it is in my sign of Capricorn. I am the first to say .. I am not an astrologer. I...

3 min read
Dark Night of the Soul
We all have them. Something happens that knocks us off our center. Normally what happens is this. We are going about our life, completely...

2 min read
Of Psychics, Shamans, and Jesus
Belief. Faith. These days faith is a hot subject. We all have it. Some form of faith. We may have faith in a higher power, or a belief...