7 min read
November Themes and Energies
October is just about behind us and November is right on its coattails! I know October may still have a few surprises up its sleeve...

5 min read
Blessing to the Dead
This week my family suffered an unexpected tragedy. I had originally decided not to post a blog this week. How can I write anything given...

6 min read
Daddy Issues
Let's face it. Everyone who breathes has a different experience of daddy. Some have no experience at all. Some have or had an amazing...

4 min read
August Themes and Energies
Today finds us a few days into August! If you go back and read my thoughts on July, based on numerology and tarot, you can see how the...

6 min read
Pick a Card, Any Card
I am writing this blog about a week before the date it is scheduled to post (July 28, 2022.) As I write this blog I am feeling a bit of...

5 min read
Creating Your Own Personal Altar
In previous blogs, I have described creating an altar specifically for your ancestors, so this is not the focus of today's blog. Yes, I...

6 min read
The Dead Say the Darndest Things!
The other day I was connecting to a loved one for a client and he made the remark that the drugs up there were a lot better than what he...

4 min read
June Energy Forecast
Welcome to June! I normally post my weekly blog on Thursdays, but today is June 1st, so I am posting a day early this week. This month I...

6 min read
Receiving Accurate Messages from Spirit
I have been receiving messages from the world of spirit for many years. I find that the Communicator Guides often send messages that, in...

4 min read
There are times in our lives when we find ourselves questioning our long-held beliefs or ways of living our lives. Things we may have...