11 min read
Creating Your Destiny in 2024
As we enter into 2024, how can we navigate the year and understand the energies at play creating our collective experiences?

4 min read
Reflections on 2023 and Revisions - Bringing Lessons of the Past into the Now Moment
As we wind down 2023, I think it is a fairly common thing to look back over the past year and do a little self-reflection, while at the...

7 min read
Some Insight into Spiritual Communicators
I I want to start today's chat by sharing a recent email from a client: "I just wanted to say a quick heartfelt thank you for taking the...

6 min read
June Thoughts and Themes
Last month we chatted about taking some time for some personal re-booting. I did just that! This fit in with the theme of May, a 3 month....

6 min read
April Insights
If any month of the year seems like a good month to go inside a cave and contemplate the meaning of life or explore unknown territories,...

3 min read
Pick a Card!
This week I thought I would do a pick a card message since Spirit didn't inspire me to write about anything in particular. These seem to...

5 min read
Missiles of Divine Love
Our connection to the energy of Divine Love can create massive changes in our own lives and those of humanity.

5 min read
Creating Change in the Midst of Disaster
The past few days we have been pummeled with tragedy and dismal news reports. Multiple mass shootings in only a few days. Political...

5 min read
Finding Fulfillment in Your Job
It seems like a common problem for spiritually inclined people to begin to feel restless in their careers. Perhaps what they do for a...

6 min read
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Since the holiday of Christmas is coming up in a few days, I thought it would be good to talk about the Christmas story in a different...