6 min read
What is a Miracle, Anyway?
Recently I was putting the finishing touches on my upcoming book on various healing modalities, which I have titled, Sacred Path to...

5 min read
Full Moon / Mercury Retrograde Energy
Feeling intense? This week we have a couple of astrological events that are back-to-back and they may have you feeling a little...

3 min read
Awakenings- The Best Worst Day of Your Life
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The land under my feet is alive! Battle cries from ancient warriors radiated from under the...

4 min read
October - 2021 - Themes
October is a month of changes. Being the tenth month of the year, in numerology and in the tarot, ten is the number of changes. Unlike...

4 min read
What is Channeling?
My heart began to race. Panic gripped my soul. The stench of burning flesh, the sensation of heat scorching my face, my breath labored...

2 min read
Of Psychics, Shamans, and Jesus
Belief. Faith. These days faith is a hot subject. We all have it. Some form of faith. We may have faith in a higher power, or a belief...

2 min read
Celebrate the New Moon with Me!!
This coming Thursday, June 10, we have what is commonly known as a New Moon. In reality, the new moon is when that first little sliver of...

5 min read
Life is a Circle Not a Line
Spring is a wonderful time to talk about awakenings. We see all around us the evidence that there is life springing forth from what has...

8 min read
All About Shamanism
All About Shamanism and Other Terms The following post is an updated reprint from a blog I published many years ago. Since I have a lot...

6 min read
Healing the Soul
What is the soul? Does a soul really need healing? There is a lot of conversation about what exactly is a soul and what significance does...