5 min read
Finding Fulfillment in Your Job
It seems like a common problem for spiritually inclined people to begin to feel restless in their careers. Perhaps what they do for a...

5 min read
January 2023 Thoughts and Themes
A new year is here! Most of us can agree that 2022 was a bit challenging. We were in a universal 6 year, the number of relationships and...

4 min read
Accessing Your Inner Joy
I can't say I really remember feeling ecstatic joy when I was a little girl. I remember being sort of sad most of the time. Feeling sad...

5 min read
Relationship Readings
I have stated before that relationships are the top question I get asked when tuning in to Spirit for my clients. I wanted to take a...

6 min read
What Does It Mean to "Harm None?"
Sounds pretty simple, really. When making requests to the Universe, the Divine, or whatever you call your understanding of the Force that...

5 min read
Setting Energetic Boundaries
We all hope it won't come to this. Most of us in "woo woo world" try to be kind. We want to be of service. We see the good in everyone....

4 min read
August Themes and Energies
Today finds us a few days into August! If you go back and read my thoughts on July, based on numerology and tarot, you can see how the...

5 min read
Creating Your Own Personal Altar
In previous blogs, I have described creating an altar specifically for your ancestors, so this is not the focus of today's blog. Yes, I...

4 min read
How Do You Know If You are a Lighworker or a Healer?
We all have Divinity within us. Each of us is in this lifetime, in this body, to remember who we are as a soul. Not everyone chose to use...

5 min read
Upcoming New Book Sneak Preview
Back in January of this year I was meditating and received an outline for my next book! Since then I have been working on it for an...