6 min read
Receiving Accurate Messages from Spirit
I have been receiving messages from the world of spirit for many years. I find that the Communicator Guides often send messages that, in...

5 min read
Sensing Your Guides
One of my students recently asked me how I knew when my Guides were around and when they weren't. This is a good question and I thought...

6 min read
When a Message Doesn't Ring a Bell
Have you ever had a message from an intuitive that did not seem to resonate at the time of the reading? Hold on! This does not mean the...

3 min read
February 2022 Themes and Energies
It is my custom each month to share an overall theme for the next month based on numerology, tarot, and any other info I receive from my...

3 min read
Message from the Guides
I rarely post my blog on Saturday, but I decided to go ahead and post this message I received from my Guides. I received this message...

3 min read
Accessing Inner Strength
Normally I chat about the energies of the month somewhere near the first day of the month, but this month seemed different. I couldn't...

2 min read
Of Psychics, Shamans, and Jesus
Belief. Faith. These days faith is a hot subject. We all have it. Some form of faith. We may have faith in a higher power, or a belief...

2 min read
Celebrate the New Moon with Me!!
This coming Thursday, June 10, we have what is commonly known as a New Moon. In reality, the new moon is when that first little sliver of...

5 min read
The Need to "Know"
Why do people consult a psychic like myself? Somewhere within ourselves there is an innate need to "know" something that is outside of...

4 min read
So You Wanna Be a Psychic?
I receive a fair amount of inquiries on how to develop one's psychic skills. We all have some abilities, whether we recognize it or not....