8 min read
November: Release and Surrender
Nothing that we love is ever really lost. This month we may need to surrender something that will eventually come back in a different form.

7 min read
Some Insight into Spiritual Communicators
I I want to start today's chat by sharing a recent email from a client: "I just wanted to say a quick heartfelt thank you for taking the...

7 min read
July Forecast
To me, July is all about summer days, some perhaps sitting by the pool, or at the beach, being outside, warm days, and evenings sitting...

6 min read
April Insights
If any month of the year seems like a good month to go inside a cave and contemplate the meaning of life or explore unknown territories,...

3 min read
Pick a Card!
This week I thought I would do a pick a card message since Spirit didn't inspire me to write about anything in particular. These seem to...

6 min read
Interfering With Fate
Recently, I chatted about my practice of sending Divine Love into situations in order to shift the outcome. Right after I wrote that...

6 min read
February Forecast
For the past several years, every month I post a prediction for the month based on the numerology for that month and the corresponding...

4 min read
Accessing Your Inner Joy
I can't say I really remember feeling ecstatic joy when I was a little girl. I remember being sort of sad most of the time. Feeling sad...

5 min read
Relationship Readings
I have stated before that relationships are the top question I get asked when tuning in to Spirit for my clients. I wanted to take a...

4 min read
June Energy Forecast
Welcome to June! I normally post my weekly blog on Thursdays, but today is June 1st, so I am posting a day early this week. This month I...