4 min read
We can't talk about communication with those who don't inhabit a living human body without bringing up the subject of signs. Signs are...

4 min read
Truth vs Illusion
There is a lot being said about truth-telling these days. We are in troubled times. The lies we have built our lives upon are being...

6 min read
Fortune Teller Myths Dispelled
I've never liked being called a "fortune teller." Sometimes I even wince at "psychic," due to the images that sometimes get conjured up...

4 min read
Welcoming In Change!
On December 29, 2020 we will be having the last full moon of 2020. The energy surrounding this event is the vibration of change, as the...

7 min read
The Great Conjunction and Karmic Events
I always preface any of my posts about astrological events with the disclaimer that I am not an astrologer. Here and Here are links to...

3 min read
Dark Moon Solar Eclipse
As a psychic medium and Shamanic healer, I am aware of the phases of the moon, although I don't claim to be an expert astrologer....

6 min read
Self Healing Is Possible!
Our journey through life is fraught with disappointments, disillusionments, and regrets. If we are strong we face them head on, work...

6 min read
Healing the Soul
What is the soul? Does a soul really need healing? There is a lot of conversation about what exactly is a soul and what significance does...

4 min read
What to Expect from a Psychic Reading
There may be a variety of reasons why you may seek out someone like me for what has been commonly called a "reading." You may have lost...

3 min read
The Fountain of Your Soul
Recently, I was giving a message to one of my clients, who was feeling a bit unappreciated by some of the younger members of the family. ...