Healing the Jesus Wound
If you have been wounded in some way by your faith, or those who claim to represent the Divine, you can heal from these wounds and be free!
7 min read

Some Thoughts About Making and Breaking Vows
A vow is a promise. Sometimes they are easier to make than to break. Here are some thoughts on making and breaking vows.
8 min read

Blessing for the Deceased
If you are feeling the loss of someone close to you, I offer you a blessing to the deceased to wish them well and find closure and healing.
4 min read

November: Release and Surrender
Nothing that we love is ever really lost. This month we may need to surrender something that will eventually come back in a different form.
8 min read

The Importance of Personal Rebooting
We who have been walking a spiritual path for awhile sometimes get so caught up in our spiritual work and doing things in our own way to...
3 min read

Missiles of Divine Love
Our connection to the energy of Divine Love can create massive changes in our own lives and those of humanity.
5 min read

Creating Change in the Midst of Disaster
The past few days we have been pummeled with tragedy and dismal news reports. Multiple mass shootings in only a few days. Political...
5 min read

Finding Fulfillment in Your Job
It seems like a common problem for spiritually inclined people to begin to feel restless in their careers. Perhaps what they do for a...
5 min read

Waiting For the Other Shoe to Drop
I will never forget the moment I noticed it. It was almost twenty years ago, but it sometimes feels like yesterday. The prior few years...
5 min read

Releasing Karmic Baggage
Last week I chatted a little bit about the number 6 being a number of karma and the settling of accounts. This year, 2022 is a karmic...
6 min read