3 min read
Dark Night of the Soul
We all have them. Something happens that knocks us off our center. Normally what happens is this. We are going about our life, completely...

2 min read
Of Psychics, Shamans, and Jesus
Belief. Faith. These days faith is a hot subject. We all have it. Some form of faith. We may have faith in a higher power, or a belief...

2 min read
Celebrate the New Moon with Me!!
This coming Thursday, June 10, we have what is commonly known as a New Moon. In reality, the new moon is when that first little sliver of...

3 min read
The Sacred Feminine and Justice
This month we may notice these themes coming into play in our lives. What do I mean when I say "Sacred Feminine?" Last month I had veered...

3 min read
Jesus Gave Me My Soul Back
One morning, several years ago, I went out for my morning run. I heard the familiar "caw caw" of the neighborhood crows as I set out on...

6 min read
Are Curses Real?
Recently I have become aware of a resurgence of clients coming to me believing they were the victim of a curse, so I thought it may be...

5 min read
Life is a Circle Not a Line
Spring is a wonderful time to talk about awakenings. We see all around us the evidence that there is life springing forth from what has...

5 min read
The Value of Sitting Still
Me? I am the champion of projects. Before I even finish one great idea, I am contemplating the next. I say I am a planner. Hubby...

5 min read
The Need to "Know"
Why do people consult a psychic like myself? Somewhere within ourselves there is an innate need to "know" something that is outside of...

4 min read
So You Wanna Be a Psychic?
I receive a fair amount of inquiries on how to develop one's psychic skills. We all have some abilities, whether we recognize it or not....