4 min read
What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do
Here are a few tips for finding your center when life has thrown you off course or blindsided you.

4 min read
Reiki - An Adventure in Healing
Being brought up in Fundamental Christianity, I was not unfamiliar with "the laying on of hands." Every service I attended was not...

5 min read
Spirit Message for 2020
I am not sure if you felt it, but 2019 went out with a huge energetic bang. The night before New Year's Eve, I was up and down all night....

3 min read
Today we say goodbye to 2019. None of us can deny that it was a year full of huge shifts in our personal and collective lives. Shifts are...

3 min read
Holiday Hints from Spirit
Whether or not you participate in all of the frenzy and stress that often shows up this time of year, you will agree that there are times...

5 min read
Message From Spirit For the New Year
Whew!!! It has been a whirlwind for the past year, and many of you may be looking for hope that the coming year will be better! We just...

4 min read
Message From A Tree
When hubby and I chose the house we call home, or should I say when our home chose us, one of the things that attracted us to this...

3 min read
Becoming Your Own Hero
What do you think of when you look at this photo? Do you think, wow that takes a lot of practice, determination, and stamina to...

2 min read
Have you felt like you have struggled to fulfill your purpose in life? Maybe you are not even sure what that purpose is, or perhaps what...

1 min read
Wellness Universe!
I am happy to announce that I am a proud member of the Wellness Universe. This is a directory of all those in the wellness field, whether...