3 min read
Healing From Disappointment
Disappointment is one of those emotions that can sometimes come sneaking into our experience like a cat who thinks it is stalking a...

2 min read
Energetic Check Up
How are you guys feeling this month? I know it has been a little while since I checked in here on my blog. For me, I have been busy! With...

5 min read
Is Everyone Psychic?
Unraveling Some Common Myths About Psychic Ability One of the most common questions I am often asked as a psychic medium is the question...

4 min read
My Favorite Books!
Many of you have inquired of me what are some good books to delve into as we are finding more time alone these days. I thought about this...

3 min read
Moving Beyond Boundaries
This month we as a collective have really been called to look beyond the life we have been living and create life in a different way. ...

3 min read
Keep Going!
Life is a little different these days. School is out and I find myself frequently in the company of my grandchildren while their mother...

3 min read
Navigating the Emotional Weather
I originally posted portions of this blog some time back, but lately the energetic weather has been intense, and I thought a revisit to...

3 min read
Valentine's Day is Not Just For Lovers!
Every February in many countries around the world, we celebrate the feast of St Valentine, or Valentine’s Day. What began as a religious...

4 min read
Laundry Day
Early on in my adventure with giving messages from the deceased, I was connecting with a woman who showed me laundry hanging outside...

4 min read
What Divination Will and Won't Do For You
Today I want to talk a little bit about divination. Divination is accessing information through direct messaging from the Spirit world or...