8 min read
The Touchy Subject of Money and Spiritual Services
And What About Money? Some thoughts, musings, and insight on spirituality, money, and some timeless principles for attracting it into...

4 min read
So You Wanna Be a Psychic?
I receive a fair amount of inquiries on how to develop one's psychic skills. We all have some abilities, whether we recognize it or not....

4 min read
The Veil Between the Worlds
There is a membrane between the world that we see, hear touch, taste, and smell and the world of mystery, of awareness and of spirit. At...

8 min read
All About Shamanism
All About Shamanism and Other Terms The following post is an updated reprint from a blog I published many years ago. Since I have a lot...

2 min read
Meditation and Messages Reminder
Once a month I host a gathering by Zoom to meditate as a group and allow my Guides a platform to share any messages or inspiration they...

2 min read
February Forecast
Looking into the future is a bit like looking at the world through a glass. All we know is our own perspective. We may perceive a certain...

1 min read
Meditation with Divine Love
Meditation is the practice of quieting the mind. It is not completely eliminating thoughts, but, rather, not getting caught up in the...

4 min read
We can't talk about communication with those who don't inhabit a living human body without bringing up the subject of signs. Signs are...

7 min read
Evidential Mediumship
What is evidential mediumship? First of all, mediumship is the ability to relay messages from the other side, most of the time from loved...

4 min read
Truth vs Illusion
There is a lot being said about truth-telling these days. We are in troubled times. The lies we have built our lives upon are being...