Releasing Karmic Baggage
Last week I chatted a little bit about the number 6 being a number of karma and the settling of accounts. This year, 2022 is a karmic...
6 min read

Blessing to the Dead
This week my family suffered an unexpected tragedy. I had originally decided not to post a blog this week. How can I write anything given...
5 min read

Finding Resolution
This week in the United States, we remembered a tragedy. For many people, there are still remnants of unfinished business that may linger...
4 min read

Upcoming New Book Sneak Preview
Back in January of this year I was meditating and received an outline for my next book! Since then I have been working on it for an...
5 min read

Awakenings- The Best Worst Day of Your Life
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The land under my feet is alive! Battle cries from ancient warriors radiated from under the...
3 min read

There are times in our lives when we find ourselves questioning our long-held beliefs or ways of living our lives. Things we may have...
4 min read

Instant or Crock Pot Healing?
Is it possible to heal the soul quickly or does it take some time? As many of you know, in 2020 I injured my knee, which required surgery...
3 min read

The Need to Feel Valued
Most of us at some point or another have noticed that place inside us that longs for belonging. We want to feel that our existence...
5 min read

All About Karma - Part 2
Earlier in the month I chatted a little about karma, what it is and what are some things we can do to eliminate or reduce our experience...
6 min read

All About Karma - Part 1
What is karma, anyway? Depending on what spiritual "guru" or belief system you subscribe to, karma is different things to different...
4 min read